Wednesday, September 2, 2015

So you think cops are jerks?

There is a media shitstorm right now about cops. Some of them are "aggressive and over the top" when it comes to stops. People are getting shot, and in turn, cops are being murdered in cold blood by people who most likely have a wrap sheet a mile long and repeatedly fail the asshole test when stopped by an officer.

Rather than a boring commentary on this one or that one, here is a video of a stop gone right when it could have gone very wrong.

Here you see two angles. The dashcam which shows a stop, some talking, and the officer drawing a weapon. The bodycam shows a gun on the front seat of the truck, the driver reaching over when asked if it was a real gun, and the officer drawing to eliminate a threat.

Officer Wheeler gets the individual out of the car safely, holsters his weapon and handcuffs him. Imagine that, the guy does what the officer says and he doesn't get slammed off of the ground, or hood, or tazed.

Pay attention folks, officers are doing their job. A very dangerous job. They are protecting us, our families and putting their lives in danger. Yes, there are a few out there on a power trip being jerks, but didn't your mam teach you to be nice and don't stoop to their level?

As a general rule, don't be a jerk to a police officer, and they won't be a jerk to you.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Why you should be siding with Whataburger for not allowing open carry.

With Confederate flags coming down, retailers and networks "controversy", gay marriage arguments from Christians, and a general lack of open mindedness and common sense, I'm going to do my best to piss everyone off with a little bit of common sense.

The State of Texas now allows for open carry. Great, I'm not opposed to it. Will I open carry? Probably not. Don't get me wrong, I have guns, support the 2nd Amendment, and will not sit by while my rights are infringed upon, but carrying in the open is not necessary in a state that allows concealed carry. Sure, it is easier to get to should you need it, less concerning about hiding it, and far more comfortable to wear open, but is it that hard to just untuck your shirt?

Concealed carry had a flaw in it. If your weapon was seen at anytime by anyone other than being drawn to protect, it was a crime. Say I've got on a t-shirt, inside waist band holster, and a pair of shorts. I sit down and my shirt catches on a chair, it comes up and Susie soccer mom sees my gun and throws a fit. I lose my CHL. Now, same scenario with open carry. I still have to have a CHL, but if my shirt comes up... Ooops. I wasn't brandishing it, and if soccer moms are staring at me that hard, they have other issues.

On to Whataburger. CEO Preston Atkinson released a statement and policy that Whataburger would not allow open carry in their establishments. You can still concealed carry. Whataburger is not saying they hate guns, want laws changed, or anything of the sort. They are encouraging you to use COMMON-FUCKING-SENSE! Do not go into their establishment with a loaded firearm on your side to sit down and eat food while kids and families are sitting and eating. Get your food, have a seat. Get your hands covered in greasy deliciousness that is a Whataburger. Enjoy it. I promise, the cow they are serving you is already dead and it is very unlikely you will need to shoot it through the bun. Your life is not going to be changed by untucking your shirt so families can enjoy their breakfast/lunch/dinner/shake/snack/whatever.

Dear All of you boycotting Whatburger,

Stop being an asshole. Your rights are not being infringed upon. You are being asked to be the decent human being that you want people to think you are. Support your community and the people around you, don't do something that is going to make them edgy. Yes, a lot of people are scared of guns. You're not, I'm not, but that doesn't mean you should force them into everyone's line of sight. You want respect, and so do they. Now be nice, untuck your damn shirt and enjoy your burger and fries.


Friday, June 26, 2015

NeuroExplosion Coming Soon

I don't write here often. In fact it has been several years. With social media going crazy on current events, it is difficult to say anything without a tremendous backlash. So, here, on this page that is available for you to read if you choose, I will pour out some of my own thoughts, observations, and opinions on current events. Reading anything I post is your choice. nothing is being forced on you, and you have a right to a different opinion. I'm not mad at you for it. We may all learn something, or we may all disagree. In any case, I ask that you be respectful of others and do not make any personal attacks or use derogatory comments. I know that is asking a lot of the internet, but please do your best.

I'll begin pouring out what is in my head in the very near future.
