Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Emotions are funny things.

It's interesting the way certain things are played out in life. I'm a relatively strong person when it comes to emotion, I tend to bottle things up really, and act somewhat indifferent to things going on around me that might upset or bother me, but this past weekend I got a phone call.......

It's not one that wasn't expected, I knew my brother would be leaving for Iraq this month sometime and I thought I was prepared to deal with it. It would actually be a good thing for him....

Sidenote for those of you who don't know me real well, the little brother I speak of is 19 and just married. I think that is alittle young, but far be it from me to say anything. I tried marriage when I was young. Needless to say, it didn't work. I wish the best for him and his new bride. His past record of judgement has not been well. He has in the past been selfish, inconsiderate, lazy, and just plain stupid. Alas, I hope you understand, the Army, and him going to Iraq are good things for him. Now that I sound like a complete asshole, I'll get back to the original thought....

My Dad called me last Friday, I was sitting at the house, partaking in my freshly opened bottle of Crown Royal, and in a flustered voice told me that they had moved my brother up, and he would be leaving Saturday. This was a little shocking, but Dad was going down to Fort Hood to see him off.

Being that I am very proud of my brother for taking steps for our country, and doing things with his life that I chose not to, I planned to go down too. So Saturday morning, Angie and I got in the truck, met up with my dad on the highway, followed him down, and spent the day with him and his wife. The day was good, we spent time together, time apart, had dinner, and then it came time for me to head back towards Dallas.........

Here's, where it all goes crazy and ties to the beginning. being the prideful Alpha male that i am, I pulled my brother off to the side as I knew this would not be a scene I wanted to play out in the parking lot of the resturant. At that moment in time, the emotions consumed me, from pride to love to fear to anxiety, all rolled into one, and in a burst of tears and an embrace from my brother, I offered these words "I'm proud of you, I respect you, and I love you"

I know this was long winded, and could have been summed up very short and sweet, but I know my little bro is out there, reading this, and using myspace to stay in touch with our family. So again....

No goodbyes, I'll see you soon. I'm proud of you, I respect you, and I love you. Come home to us safe.

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