I know I haven't written anything in a while. Usually when I do, it's because I have something to say or a situation/story has brought itself about and I seek input.
Last night I was watching Primtime on ABC and they had on a series they are doing called Outsiders. The first section was about swingers which I think is odd, but fascinating. I don't find it odd that these couples can remove any correlation between sex and emotion and have a good time with mulitple partners. In fact, I think all of us have done that before, it's called dating. Just typically we're not sharing. Enough about swingers, I'll get into all of that at another time. What really shocked me was the "Asexual movement"
Asexual is commonly accepted as a term for not having sexual organs, or in nature is and science is also referred to as agamogenesis only requiring one parent for reproduction. The third definition is the one being referenced though....
....lacking interest in or desire for sex.
I listened to the stories of several members of this asexual movement that express their lack of need for sex and that they do not feel it is important in life. I tried to keep an open mind while watching what I would deem as undesirable sexual partners express all of their feelings about it. One guy was married for 4 years and only had sex a handful of times, one lady married for 7 years and never had sex, a young couple in their early 20's about to get married and had no desire for sex. The girl here mentioning that she grew up thinking she was lesbian because she was not attracted to men. She tried women and didn't enjoy it, now found a man that supported her in her decision to not have sex....EVER.
I had to think about that for a second and then it hit me....YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING CRAZY! Two of the guys including the one who was married were setting off homo alarms left and right. Guys, you're closet gay, and it's ok that you're gay, just come out and let the world know, carry on your life and stop this bullshit movement.
Humans are born with only two instincts, survival and procreation. By being born with such a simple plan for life we are designed to eat drink and be merry, fornicate, reproduce and die. I ask anyone out there to tell me if there are any other instincts or reasons that you think procreation is not a neccesity in life.
We asa society have been raised and taught many different things about sex. Sex is more mainstream now than ever.We see it everywhere but to get back to the animalistic nature of it, guys, did you get your first hard on because you were attracted to the appearance of a particular person? No, it came at random. Babies get hard ons even though they have not yet been conditioned to find "sex appeal" in any particular person or group of people.
How could any person deem themselves asexual and state that sex is not required to live a full and rewarding life? No kids? That has been one of the biggest rewards of my life so far. Ee're all adults here (well, maybe not on myspace, but in this blog) sex is a guilty pleasure that all of us have. Someone out there who does not at all enjoy sex, please chime in and explain why so that I might understand all of this. Oh, and here's the website for the Asexual Visibility and Education Network.
Update on the couple that was getting married, they had sex, they liked it, the're probably going to do it again!