Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Excessive female masturbation.

I just read this in a blog and wanted to repost it for all of you with a little bit of my perspective!!!

It comes from the lovely


and she blogged about it here!
It's posted below for those of you who are too lazy to click, and my little addtions!
Last night while watching a very informative episode of 20/20, I learned of a womans disorder that I have never heard of. Its a very rare disorder and was first diagnosed very recently in 2001, which I find surprising because if it happened then there must have been many cases before. PSAS, Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome.

Holy shit! Why can't I find a woman like this? A woman constantly aroused and always charged and ready to go would be a great little party trick.Pull her out of the closet when the time is right and you never have to worry about your polishing your game or your knob!!!

This sounds like a lucky disorder at first. I mean who wouldnt like having multiple orgasms back to back, at work, in the shower, or even while pushing the vacuum around the living room. Wouldnt you think that the partner in the relationship might also enjoy this too? Hell, I would think so! But after listening to the womans testimonies who have suffered from this, it seems as though its very unpleasing.

I'm still with you on this one Cherie. Tell me, do you suffer? May I help you out with that? I've got friends!

From what I could get out of the information last night, very little is actually known about this constant urge to whack off. The curiosity struck me this morning to know more about this arousal thats not related to sexual excitement or desire so I came to work and read a little bit more about PSAS. It is actually one of the current understudied disorders for woman, and one that many suffer from with no diagnosis. Say you go to the doctor, and you tell him that you have violent orgasms in broad day light while enjoying lunch with your coworker. He would probably look at you like,
Holy crap really?? Well arent you every mans dream. But to a woman this has got to be quite an embarrassment, and also pretty painful. I mean after a long night of entertainment you find yourself exhausted, but orgasms allll day? Holy shiza!

Hmm, the constant rubbing could lead to a little irritation, but VILOLENT orgasms? Tie her up to my bed and I'll climb on top. It'll be like the bed at the sleazy motel with the quarter slot on the headboard! Ah, good times!

For males multiple masturbation sessions are normal on almost a daily basis, for your average woman once or twice a day is also quite normal. BUT 35 times a day is OUTRAGOUS! Imagine having to masturbate ALL day and still have no relief. Stay home. Watch the kids and rub one out! Hahahaha, One of the woman last night on 20/20 was explaining the torture that PSAS put on her marriage and her career, and that it also caused her to be suicidal. She is now on paxel and announced on national television that she only masturbates about 15 times a day after treatment and cries while doing it. ( haha.. not a laughing matter really, but it is amusing.)

Bullshit! Not a laughing matter my ass, that could provide hours of entertainment. Imagine the porn fetish site she could start...., Where the salty tears just add to the flavor! Millions I tell you, millions. You know there is some sick fuck out there that would get off on it!

She was defiantly not the only one. There was also a wrinkled ol couple on the show discussing the lack of performance from her husband and sharing her burning desire to get off all day. She has suffered from severe depression because if this she claims. After a little research I did find out that it is a unique experience for each person involved in PSAS. Each woman with PSAS and her partner undergo an individual yet normally negative emotional experience, such as shame and embarrassment, personal distress, invalidation, and feelings of isolation, withdrawal etc.

Is it really a feeling of isolation, or just a desire to be isolated...with a laptop...and an internet connection....and a washcloth?

NOW with all that said even though lots of orgasms sound cool. That would flippin suck.

I figure this is just an over amount of sensitivity of nerves and the blood flow to their business, which I dont think can be controlled by any substance. Thus leaving these women busting out in Ohhs and Aweees in public, or even at a family dinner. My suggestions for cure. Well they are slim, but I can say that Ive heard that thinking about dead puppies works for males. Maybe thinking of your grandmas boobs or finding your mans skid stained boxers might work also. But a better suggestion would be the removal of the love button. I know they do this is some religions and diverse cultures, so shit.. If its so bad that you have to cry while you aim to please that clitorious, have them cut that bad boy out. I mean we still have the inevitable G spot thingy to find, so maybe they spend time looking for that, all the other woman in the world might appreciate the tips, cause the other dont work! (Well except that pillow thingy.. but whatever) Hell maybe someone who suffers from it will read this and become the best sex therapist and teach other woman to maintain these crazy intense organisms that weve all been looking for. Men might like the tips too! Its all of our goals to increase the pleasure of our partners.

Dead puppies? Dead babies...or maybe live ones getting run over by a bus! Or if you're real fucked up you could just imagine some of the scenes from the movie "The Hills Have Eyes". Yeah, I fucked up and watched that shit! I'm a little twisted, but that was fucked up....

Back to the subject. Removal of the stalactite at the cave entrance? NO, the bean should definitely not be removed. Even guys find pleasure in playing with the love button, I'd be pissed of if I ran my tongue down that little line from the stomach, cicrled my meal for a little bit and found nothing when I plunged in. It's be like ordering a nice juicy steak and them delivering nothing but the soup and salad. Appetizers are great, but my entree better show up. Maybe there's a more viable solution!

.. My question is Why whine about this,, dont cry.. take some happy pills if your depressed and make the best of the predicament! LOL

Wait, a simple solution to this would be to just employ them as prostitutes. Send them to Nevada, pour a little cocaine on their asses and let the public pay to give them what they need. Why not let them put their talents....ERR.....syndromes to a good cause. They need satisfaction, and so do all of the ugly and married men out there!!! Take all the rest of the prostitutes and send them to these ladies real jobs as replacements and we even helped solve unemployment. Shit! I should run for political office and use this as my platform!

Anyone got a good slogan? Anything good or bad to say? I know a couple of you girls that may suffer, here's a solution to your problems!


Thank you Cherie! Everyoe feel free to swing by her blog and leave comments too...
